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Illustrated Man, The
(El Hombre Ilustrado)

Goldsmith, Jerry

Editado por
FSMCD Vol. 4 No. 14

Año de Producción


(41.43 minutos)

1. Main Title (03:28)
2. The House (02:50)
3. The Illustrations (02:25)
4. Felicia (01:40)
5. The Rose (01:55)
6. The Lion (00:51)
7. 21st Century House (01:56)
8. Angry Child (01:49)
9. Quiet Evening (02:50)
10. Skin Illustrations (01:22)
11. The Rocket (01:19)
12. The Rain (01:34)
13. The Sun Dome (01:24)
14. Almost a Wife (06:05)
15. The Morning After (02:00)
16. The House is Gone (03:46)
17. Frightened Willie (04:29)
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