¿Quién ha retratado mejor el futuro distópico dominado por los simios?
  Hoy es 17 de Mayo de 2024.

Quentin Duward
(Las Aventuras de Quentin Duward)

Kaper, Bronislau

Editado por
FSM Vol.8 Nº.7

Año de Producción


(59.01 minutos)

1. Main Title/Lord Crawford (03:25)
2. My Uncle/Your Grace/Poor Nation/Waiters (02:01)
3. Vanished/Honorable House/Fight at Bridge (05:45)
4. Quentin Arrives at Castle/Quentin Cases Castle (02:56)
5. Begone or Hang/Palm of Your Hand/Lady Hameline/Quentin Exits (02:09)
6. Message/Quentin Closes Shutters (02:11)
7. De Creville/He Is a Paragon/What Are You? (03:24)
8. France/Plot/Departure/Away/More Wine (08:34)
9. Stop/It´s Useless/Take the Gypsy (04:24)
10. I Feel Better/Do Something/Whip/Jewel Box/Gypsy Dance (06:19)
11. Crossroads/Liege/Distant Fanfare/Royal Fanfare (04:05)
12. Louis´s Gold/Am I Absurd?/King´s Visit (03:30)
13. I Must Go/Get Him (03:34)
14. Goodbye Gypsy/Another Priest (01:14)
15. It´s the Room (02:30)
16. Arrest/End and Cast (02:25)
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