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  Hoy es 17 de Mayo de 2024.

Perfect Stranger
(Seduciendo a un Extraño)

Pinto, Antonio

Editado por
Lakeshore Records LKS 33907

Año de Producción


(44.38 minutos)

1. Troubled Waters (03:30) (Cat Power)
2. Perfect Stranger (01:14)
3. Homeland (01:00)
4. Stranger Perfection (02:55)
5. Ride to Nowhere (02:05)
6. Meet the Killer (01:43)
7. The Search (02:32)
8. Decision to Kill (01:48)
9. Miles (01:12)
10. Perfect and Stranger (01:42)
11. Secret Room (05:14)
12. Strange Justice (04:23)
13. H2H (01:47)
14. The Passage (00:28)
15. Mistake (01:30)
16. The Boss (01:03)
17. Snow Child (02:21)
18. Strange Senator (01:03)
19. Big Thing (00:34)
20. Grace (00:50)
21. Mia (01:23)
22. Meet the Knife (01:12)
23. Caught (01:24)
24. The End (01:45)
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