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War of the Roses, The / Sandlot, The
(La Guerra de los Rose / Historias de un Verano)

Newman, David

Editado por
Varèse Sarabande CD Club MO 0706 1051.2

Año de Producción


(53.42 minutos)

The War of the Roses
1. The Beginning (08:11)
2. The Middle (13:28)
3. The End (07:52)
The Sandlot
4. Main Title (01:44)
5. Scotty and the Guys (02:46)
6. Coaching (02:07)
7. “Baby” Ruth (02:15)
8. Getting the Ball (again!) (02:20)
9. Airborne Attack (02:02)
10. Erector Set (03:17)
11. Showdown with the Beast (02:50)
12. You Know Babe Ruth? (04:50)
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