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Five Weeks in a Balloon
(Cinco Semanas en Globo)

Sawtell, Paul

Editado por
Intrada Special Collection Vol.28

Año de Producción

Año de Edición


(57.46 minutos)

1. Main Title; “Five Weeks in a Balloon”; Tag (02:31)
2. Advanced Publicity (01:54)
3. The Rescue of Makia; A Rough Start (06:56)
4. Five Weeks in a Balloon (01:03) (Vocal: Fabian)
5. Jungle Landing; Lovely Makia (05:06)
6. Cute Chimp (00:21)
7. Jungle Drums; The Storm (04:09)
8. Arrival at Hezak (02:35)
9. Bacchanale; Spear Dance (03:20)
10. The Escape From Hezak; Signal Drums; The Message (03:06)
11. Ballooneers Montage (01:12)
12. The Hunted Hunter; Loose Anchor (05:26)
13. The Sand Storm (03:40)
14. Timbuktu Dungeon (01:34)
15. The Auction (02:53)
16. Doom in the Offing (03:46)
17. Expeditions Meet (03:59)
18. Finale [Original Version - Loud Orchestra End] (01:02)
19. Bonus track - Finale [Alternate Version - Soft Orchestra End] (01:01)
20. Bonus track - Finale [Film Version - Vocal Reprise] (01:06)

Nota:Se acompaña del CD 1: "The Lost World"
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