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  Hoy es 13 de Mayo de 2024.

Mrs. Henderson Presents
(Mrs. Henderson Presenta)

Fenton, George

Editado por
Sony Classical 82876-77039-2

Año de Producción


(46.15 minutos)

1. Overture (03:00)
2. Bored with Widowhood (01:32)
3. Letting in the Sunshine (Noel Gay) (02:18)
4. Revuedeville (00:51)
5. Persuading Tommy (02:01)
6. Sweet Inspiration (02:38)
7. Vivian Van Damm (01:22)
8. Goody Goody (Mercer / Malneck) (04:45)
9. After the Ball (Chas K. Harris) (01:28)
10. Shilling for the Hour (02:01)
11. Joyride (02:10)
12. Fall of France: La Marseillaise (02:06)
13. Blitz: Bombing/The Grecian Frieze/Defiance (02:24)
14. Babies of the Blitz (03:03)
15. Blue Nightfall (Loesser / Lane) (01:28)
16. Girl in the Fan (01:10)
17. All the Things You Are (Kern / Hammerstein II) (03:18)
18. Elegy (02:35)
19. Sails of the Windmill (03:37)
20. Girl in the Little Green Hat ( Scholl / Browne / Rich) (02:48)
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