¿Quién ha retratado mejor el futuro distópico dominado por los simios?
  Hoy es 7 de Mayo de 2024.

(Capote (Truman Capote))

Danna, Mychael

Editado por
RCA Records

Año de Producción


(76:21 minutos)

1. Out There (00:55) *
2. "The village of Holcomb..." (05:51)
3. "The two young men had little in common..." (04:56)
4. Spoon Feeding (02:44) *
5. "This is it, this is it, this has to be it..." (00:41)
6. "Holcomb is twelve miles east of the mountain time zone border..." (06:51)
7. N.Y. Reading (02:17) *
8. "Eight non-stop passenger trains hurry through Holcomb every twenty-four hours." (08:46)
9. If One Bird (00:43) *
10. "It was midday deep in the Mojave Desert." (02:31)
11. "It was late afternoon..." (05:31)
12. "Perry noticed them first - hitchhikers, a boy and an old man..." (09:21)
13. "At five that afternoon...the long ride came to an end." (02:45)
14. Not Much Time Left (03:04) *
15. "Dewey had watched them die..." (13:56)
16. I Thought He Was A Very Nice Gentleman (01:41) *
17. Epitaph (02:19) *
18. Answered Prayers (01:29) *

* Score
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